In recent years, Ozempic® (semaglutide), a medication initially developed for type 2 diabetes, has gained attention for its weight loss benefits. This has opened new discussions in the realm of weight management, particularly in relation to plastic surgery. In this blog, we’ll explore the effects of weight loss caused by Ozempic and other injectable drugs, such as Zepbound™ (tirzepatide), Wegovy® (semaglutide), and Mounjaro® (tirzepatide), and their interplay with plastic surgery decisions.

Weight Loss from Semaglutide & Tirzepatide

Weight loss injectables composed of semaglutide and tirzepatide function by enhancing insulin secretion and suppressing appetite, leading to better blood sugar control and potential weight loss. Studies have demonstrated their efficacy in not only managing diabetes but also in aiding significant weight loss. While most of these injectables are not primarily weight loss drugs, the FDA has recognized their benefits in this area under specific conditions.

Considerations and Side Effects

Before starting any weight loss injection regimen, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive medical evaluation. Common side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, and potential risks that need careful monitoring. Its use for weight loss should always be under medical supervision.

The Role of Plastic Surgery Post Weight Loss

When individuals experience significant weight loss, either through lifestyle changes, medical interventions like Ozempic, or bariatric surgery, they often face the challenge of excess skin. Body contouring procedures after weight loss are designed to remove this excess skin and improve the shape of the underlying tissue. Common procedures include:

Body Contouring Procedures After Significant Weight Loss

Some of the most common areas affected by significant weight loss are the abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks. Through body contouring surgery, excess tissue in these areas can be sculpted for a smoother, more toned-looking physique. Common surgeries include:

  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck): The abdominoplasty procedure removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and restores weakened or separated muscles, creating a smoother and firmer abdominal profile.
  • Brachioplasty (Arm Lift): Aimed at addressing sagging skin under the arms, an arm lift reshapes the under portion of the upper arm.
  • Thigh Lift: This surgery focuses on removing excess skin and fat from the thighs, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Facial Procedures After Significant Weight Loss

Weight loss can also significantly impact the face and neck, often leading to sagging skin and loss of facial volume. In such cases, facial plastic surgery can be beneficial:

  • Facelift (Rhytidectomy): This procedure aims to give a more youthful facial appearance. It involves removing excess facial skin, tightening underlying tissues, and redraping the skin on the face and neck. Facelifts can correct midface sagging, marionette lines, jowls, and a double chin.
  • Neck Lift: Specifically targeting the area under the chin and the neck, a neck lift can address issues like loose neck skin (“turkey neck”), excess fat under the chin, and abnormal contours due to muscle banding in the neck.

Breast Procedures After Significant Weight Loss

Weight loss, particularly when substantial, can lead to significant changes in breast size and shape, often resulting in sagging or deflated-looking breasts. This can affect both men and women, and for many, breast surgery is a way to restore a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing breast appearance:

  • Breast Lift (Mastopexy): This is one of the most common procedures after significant weight loss. It involves removing excess skin and reshaping the surrounding tissue to raise the breasts. The nipple and areola can be repositioned or resized to achieve a more natural look. Breast lift surgery can dramatically improve breast contour, but it doesn’t significantly change the size of the breasts.
  • Breast Augmentation: For those who have lost a considerable amount of breast volume, breast augmentation can be combined with a lift. This procedure involves the use of implants or sometimes fat transfer to add volume and provide better symmetry. It’s tailored to individual needs and can range from subtle to more significant changes in breast size.
  • Breast Reduction: Weight loss may not always proportionally reduce breast size, leading to physical discomfort and aesthetic concerns. Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with the body. It can also alleviate discomfort associated with overly large breasts, such as back and neck pain.
  • Gynecomastia Surgery: Men who experience sagging or enlarged breasts following weight loss can benefit from gynecomastia surgery. This procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a more masculine chest contour.

These procedures can significantly enhance an individual’s appearance and self-esteem, especially after substantial weight loss. However, they require careful consideration and planning. It’s essential for patients to reach a stable weight before undergoing these surgeries, as fluctuations in weight can affect the results. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in post-weight loss body contouring is crucial to ensure optimal outcomes and to discuss the risks and benefits of each procedure.

Weight Loss Injectables and Plastic Surgery – A Combined Approach

For those who achieve weight loss through weight loss injectables — such as Ozempic, Zepbound, Wegovy, or Mounjaro — plastic surgery might be a subsequent consideration to address excess skin or reshape the body. It’s important to plan such surgeries at the right time, usually after weight stabilization.


The journey of weight loss with injectable drugs and their potential link to plastic surgery is an evolving area in healthcare. While it offers new possibilities, it underscores the need for professional guidance and a personalized approach. Richmond plastic surgeon Dr. Neil Zemmel can provide the needed guidance with a one-on-one consultation.