While a traditional tummy tuck contours the lower abdomen, the specialized fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty is designed to remove excess skin and tissue in both the upper and lower abdomen. This technique can be especially beneficial for patients who have lost a considerable amount of weight and are struggling with remaining skin that hangs. Our board-certified Richmond plastic surgeon, Neil J. Zemmel, MD, is highly experienced in performing the advanced fleur-de-lis tummy tuck, prioritizing patient safety and comfort. Along with his skilled team, Dr. Zemmel operates in accredited facilities and is committed to providing exceptional results. He recognizes how excess skin can hinder a patient’s confidence and is passionate about helping individuals look and feel their best through this advanced procedure.

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Am I a Candidate for the Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty?

A fleur-de-lis tummy tuck can benefit both men and women interested in body contouring after significant weight loss. Ideal candidates for the procedure are those who:

What Does the Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty Involve?

The fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty expands on a traditional tummy tuck, with extra skin and fat tissue often removed from above the belly button as well. The procedure typically involves an incision made above the pubic region and a vertical one made from the bottom of the sternum down to the horizontal incision. Excess skin can then be removed, with additional fat also able to be removed with liposuction. During this time, your abdominal muscles can be restored and repaired, and remaining skin and fat tissue can be tightened. The procedure often lasts three to four hours, depending on a patient’s specific needs and anatomy.

How Long Is the Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty Recovery?

In the days following a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck, many patients experience some swelling and stiffness. Pain medication can be prescribed to manage discomfort felt during the healing process. Patients can often resume light exercise two to three weeks after surgery, with participation in more vigorous activities typically able to happen after four to six weeks post-op. While a majority of the swelling typically subsides after six weeks, residual swelling can last between six months to a year. 

How Much Does the Fleur-De-Lis Abdominoplasty Cost? 

Due to the more comprehensive nature of the fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, it typically costs more than a traditional tummy tuck. While the total cost will vary from patient to patient, depending on each individual’s needs, the procedure often ranges from $12,000 to $15,000. Contributing factors to the overall cost include: 

Once a personalized treatment plan has been developed, a member of our team can provide you with your personalized cost. We are also happy to discuss available financing options for qualified patients to help make procedural payments more manageable and accessible.

For more information about the fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, contact our office today to schedule a consultation. 

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